We are very grateful to the Old Tuam Society for their generous donation to the Irish Workhouse Centre as part of last December’s Orphans of the Great Hunger production. The two-act play was written by Patricia King-Callaghan and directed by Tom O’Donoghue and was presented to audiences in Tuam and Portumna with great acclaim. Donal Burke, Manager of the Irish Workhouse Centre said that the donation was a very kind gesture and thanked the Old Tuam Society for their generosity.
Pictured is Ann Tierney President of the Old Tuam Society with Dr. Christy Cunniffe and Clare Doyle of the Irish Workhouse Centre.

Dr Christy Cunniffe, Board Member at the Irish Workhouse Centre, Ann Tierney, President of The Old Tuam Society, and Clare Doyle, Tuam Library